Feng Shui Tips for Your New Condo

If you are looking to buy a new condo, your feng shui criteria will certainly be different from the feng shui criteria of buying a house. Still, good feng shui is good feng shui, and understanding what good energy is made of comes in handy when you decide to go house hunting.

Study the feng shui condo buying points below carefully to be sure you understand the reasons behind each suggestion. Add this feng shui list to your “must-have” and “nice-to-have” lists and you are ready to find that perfect feng shui condo.

Building Location and Energy

The energy of the building influences the energy of the apartments in it. As you have no control over the main entry of the building, be sure to choose wisely. A clean, well-lit main entry of an apartment building in a safe, friendly location is always a wise choice.

The front door is very important, too, as it is through the front door that a building absorbs/attracts energy. A door with a strong and balanced quality of energy will attract better Chi for the whole building.

Feng shui-wise, you might be wondering which of the main doors can have your lucky feng shui directions: the main door of your apartment or the main door of the building? The answer is the main door of your apartment. Another popular feng shui question: how important are the numbers of the building or condo? Not that important.

Level and Location

If possible, choose a condo on a higher, rather than on a lower level. The feng shui and real estate reasons behind it are obvious: the higher you go, the fewer condos are above you, which means lighter energy for your condo. There is also more natural light, as well as a better view/much better Chi coming into your condo.

Feng shui-wise, it is best to avoid a condo directly facing the elevator or the staircase doors. Choose a condo slightly away from the busy energy coming off the elevator and the stairs. If your apartment door can face one of your lucky feng shui directions, wonderful, if not, do not worry about it.

Floor Plan and Chi Flow

It is very important to check the flow of Chi, or energy before buying a condo/apartment. Later on, it might be too expensive, or just plain impossible to make the desired changes for better feng shui. Do you face a wall as soon as you enter your condo? Do you step into the kitchen right away?
Be sure the Chi either already flows smoothly in the apartment, or you can adjust its flow with easy feng shui decor and furniture repositioning. For example, feng shui-wise, you can easily deal with a wall facing the main door, but you sure cannot easily reposition a bathroom or a kitchen.



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